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About us

MBFC vision

There are six facets to the vision of MBFC; these are, that as a church we touch:



  • God:  that each member love God with all their heart, and be growing in a personal relationship with Him

  • Unity:  that as a Body we seek to walk in the unity of the Holy Spirit, taking all our decisions to Him.

  • Church Family:  that the Body of Christ do the work of the ministry.

  • Churches:  that as a Church we minister and encourage the broader Body of Christ

  • Community: that as a Church we minister physically and spiritually to the Cassowary Coast Community.

  • Nations:  that many be sent out from Mission Beach Family Church to minister to the nations.


Australian christian churches

  (Assemblies of God)


  • The Australian Christian Churches are a fellowship of Pentecostal Churches. Each Church is autonomous, but through relationship work together on regional, state and national levels to spread the good news of the love of God to the community. More information about the ACC can be found at

What we believe

  • We believe that the Bible is God’s Word. It is accurate, authoritative and applicable to our every day lives.

  • We believe in one eternal God who is the Creator of all things. He exists in three Persons: God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit.  He is totally loving and completely holy.

  • We believe that sin has separated each of us from God and His purpose for our lives.

  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ as both God and man is the only One who can reconcile us to God.  He lived a sinless and exemplary life, died on the cross in our place, and rose again to prove His victory and empower us for life.

  • We believe that in order to receive forgiveness and the ‘new birth’ we must repent of our sins, believe in the Lord Jesus Christ, and submit to His will for our lives.

  • We believe that in order to live the holy and fruitful lives that God intends for us, we need to be baptised in water and be filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit enables us to use spiritual gifts, including speaking in tongues which is the initial evidence of baptism in the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that God has individually equipped us so that we can successfully achieve His purpose for our lives which is to worship God, fulfil our role in the Church and serve the community in which we live.

  • We believe that God wants to heal and transform us so that we can live healthy and prosperous lives in order to help others more effectively.

  • We believe that our eternal destination of either Heaven or hell is determined by our response to the Lord Jesus Christ. We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is coming back again as He promised.


church history

Mission Beach Church was launched in October 1999. Several members from Tully Family Church who lived at Mission Beach felt that a church in the beach area would assist in reaching their community. The Church has met in the undercover area of the Mission Beach State School since that time and has just relocated to our new premises at Shop 3B, Stephens Street, Mission Beach Qld 4852.

Meet The Team

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Rob & Sue Magarey

Rob and Sue have been leading MBFC since 1999 and have a vision to see every believer live and serve in the unique way God has purposed for them. They have 5 children and 16 grand children.

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Judith Stipis

The Oversight

Life Group Leader


Michael Basso

The Oversight

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Judy Stipis

Womens Group Leader


Julie West

The Oversight



Paul Morrison

Worship  Leader







Be Inspired

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Shop 3B Stephens Street
Mission Beach 
Queensland 4852

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